The BIG Problem. The lack of basic leadership skills in CEOs and Executives is a huge and growing problem for companies.  The following responses to survey questions exemplify the surprising extent of this BIG problem:  

  • the majority of people trust a stranger more than they trust their boss
  • 57% of people leave a job because of their manager, not because of their company
  • 65% of American workers would rather change their boss than receive a pay raise

Astoundingly, 60% of leaders recently surveyed said they never had a mentor (see DDI report).  So why is mentoring/Coaching not occurring when the same report states 98% of CEOs and senior Executives not only believe leadership skills training is a worthwhile investment, but essential to being an effective leader?  Why does this dichotomy exist? 

IGNORANCE is a Poor Teacher.  Many companies end up tolerating poor performance because CEOs and Executives themselves lack strong and effective leadership skills.  Many of these same leaders of poor performing companies don’t even recognize they are the problem.  Business schools teach people to be managers, but business schools do not teach skills required for CEOs and Executives to be effective leaders. 

Fix YOUR Problem.  It is critical for you as a CEO to acknowledge that the success of your company depends upon YOUR ability to continually hone your leadership skills and your ability to recognize when you lack critical skills necessary to keep your company growing.  When you are or become an ineffective leader, your managers are also ineffective leaders (the BIG problem).  Your problem can be fixed with a good Coach who will:

  • Hold you accountable
  • Identify situations where your leadership skills must be improved and Coach those skills
  • Help you to identify blind spots ahead of you as your company grows
  • Help improve your communication skills which are key to being an effective leader.

The following articles are helpful when you realize your leadership skills require a Coach: 

Why, When, Who, and How Should You Hire an Executive Coach

The Corporate Culture You Have vs The Corporate Culture You Want

How to Embrace and Overcome Common Fears of Being a CEO

We can help.  In founding and successfully growing 2 startup companies, we were once exactly where you are now.  With our Experience-based Executive Coaching, we know what each of you are going through, what skills you need at each step of growth, and we know how to Coach those skills.  

The first step in hiring a Coach is to determine if you are comfortable with them.  We make that step easy for you.  At Yarger Executive Coaching, your first 3 hours are always free How might we serve you?

Yarger Executive Coaching