Why, When, Who, and How Should You Hire an Executive Coach

In business, cash is king.  So why would you ever consider spending some of that cash on a Coach?  Do you critically and regularly ask yourself the following questions that are determinants of whether your business will succeed?

  • Is your business strategy still well thought out; how would you know?
  • Is your growth strategy still appropriate?
  • Is your leadership skill-base sufficient for not only the current stage of your company, but sufficient for continued company growth?
  • Do you have and are you hiring the right employees; are you effectively mentoring them?
  • Do you know if you are making a profit and how to increase that profit?
  • Are you able to predict and prepare for what might go wrong in the next month, 6 months, year?

Why Hire a Coach?  If someone were to hold your feet to the fire and ask you to provide detailed answers to those questions, could you?  Do you consider each of those questions on a sufficiently regular basis to successfully lead your company through next stages of growth or will your company stagnate?   An executive Coach will regularly listen, question, push, and challenge you in positive ways and not just tell you things you want to hear.  One-on-one interactions with a Coach as an objective third party provides the feedback and mentoring to Executives that other forms of support simply cannot do.

When should you hire a Coach? An executive Coach should be one of the first people you hire.  Similar to an architect being a critical cost of constructing a building, a Coach is a person you simply cannot afford NOT to hire.

Who Should I Hire as a Coach?  You may feel overwhelmed when considering hiring a Coach and may feel uncertain how to start.  Select a Coach who has previously traveled the road that is ahead of you.   A Coach must be capable of mentoring you to seeing opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls that may be around the corner.  However, remember that Coaching required by an executive of a start-up company is different than Coaching required to grow a company.

How Do I Hire a Coach?  Take sufficient time to interview potential Coaches to determine:

  • Has the Coach previously grown at least one company successfully (not just read a book)
  • Does the Coach quickly grasp where you are with your business, where you want to go, and is the Coach capable of taking you out of your comfort zone

Yarger Executive Coaching.  To see if you are comfortable with us, first 3 hours are free. In both founding and successfully growing 2 startup companies, we were once exactly where you are now.  We do not run your company for you – we teach and mentor you to more successfully run your company yourself.  How might we serve you?

Yarger Executive Coaching


